TWJ Close-up

An “Amazing Grace” Medley

What’s up? OUAN has been on my heart and mind for so long… I have so much to say, but I’ve yet been able to master posting all the thoughts I have. (First year as…

The Summit of Mt. Maslow

Well…I don’t have too much to say. First and foremost, I want to thank those that have been supportive of the blog from day one. I apologize for all of the down time. I am…

Thank you Azalea Gardens Middle School!

Today, I had the distinct honor of speaking at Azalea Gardens Middle School’s “Moving Own Ceremony.” This is in essence an eighth grade promotion/graduation ceremony. It was beautifully done. The students there are just awesome….

About My Readers…

I often get comments, questions, and concerns about my glasses. There are mixed reviews; some people like them, others don’t. That’s cool. But if you know me, you know that I love Aristotle’s views on…